Research Education and Training Calendar

Welcome to the TAAHC Research Education and Training Calendar!

Check out the various research training and education opportunities offered by TAAHC, our Members and our collaborators in regional, rural and remote areas across Australia. Join one of our monthly webinars or sign up to one of the research skills workshops offered by our Members. Browse the calendar to find opportunities relevant to you and if you have any questions get in touch at [email protected].



12:30pm - 1:45pm


Murtupuni Research Seminar - Implementing a pharmacist-led First Nations medication management service

Implementing a Pharmacist-Led First Nations Medication Management Service: Closing the Gap between Hospital and Home

Presented by Michelle Rothwell, PhD Candidate, College of Medicine and Dentistry, James Cook University, Pharmacist Assistant Director Rural and Community, Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service 

Abstract: During transitions of care, First Nations patients are at higher risk of medication misadventure due to inequitable quality use of medicines, which may result in harm and readmission to hospital. In addition, First Nations peoples moving between remote and regional settings need to navigate complex systems to access medicines; inability to traverse these systems results in presentation to emergency departments or hospital admissions. This presentation will describe the co-design, implementation and proposed evaluation of a unique hospital based, community facing model of care which provides facilitation of access to medications and post discharge follow up for First Nations patients and their escorts. The proposed evaluation will utilise a multi-method quasi-experimental design resulting in the creation of a service prioritisation tool. Patients and health professionals semi-structured interviews, thematically analysed, will determine service experience.



1:00pm - 2:00pm

TAAHC Webinar: Writing up your research to publish

Join us for the first TAAHC Webinar of the year!! In this episode, we want to help you conquer what can be a crushing and overwhelming feeling of “where do I start” when you are writing up your research to publish!!! Please join Rae Thomas, Denise Craig, Allison Hempenstall, and Melissa Crowe to learn about what are the important components of a research article and how these flow together. Hear from the panel about the tips and tricks that helped them write up their research while being busy clinicians. Ask the tricky questions!



1:00pm - 2:00pm

TAAHC WEBINAR: Conducting clinical trials in northern Queensland - how to hear about them, conduct them, and get support.

Join us for this month’s webinar exploring the challenges and opportunities of conducting clinical trials in regional, rural, and remote northern Queensland. Gain insights from people who set up, conduct, and support these trials daily. Unlock the potential of extending clinical trial research to underserved communities.


2:00pm - 3:00pm

RR-CLaN Webinar: Preparing an abstract for a conference

Do you want to present your research or evaluation project at a conference? This session will give you practical tips on preparing abstracts that will catch the attention of conference organisers and give you the best chance of being accepted.



1:00pm - 2:00pm

TAAHC WEBINAR: Health Economics 101: What is it and why is it important?

Listen to this month’s webinar to learn about the types of questions health economics can answer and key health economics concepts like efficiency, scarcity, and opportunity costs. This webinar will also introduce the main types of economic evaluations used in healthcare decision making, including cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis. More broadly, this webinar will also look at why health economics is increasingly important in today’s healthcare landscape and how it can help drive value in healthcare.


2:00pm - 3:00pm

RR-CLaN Webinar: Knowledge Translation: Applying the Knowledge to Action Framework

This webinar is presented by Professor Sharon Mickan. Professor Mickan will provide you with a practical introduction to the Knowledge to Action Framework and the tools needed to frame your knowledge-practice gap. 

Powerpoint slides

Knowledge translation worksheet



1:00pm - 2:00pm

TAAHC WEBINAR: Improving Heart Health Checks: A decade of codesign and partnerships

In this month’s webinar hear how Carissa Bonner’s small qualitative project in her PhD grew into a decade long program of research to improve Heart Health Checks. Grow your research too!


3:00pm - 4:00pm

RR-CLaN Webinar: Publicly available health data: What it is and how to use it

This webinar provided information about openly available and restricted health datasets in NSW, how to establish which data can answer your research question, and how to go about accessing that data.



1:00pm - 2:00pm

TAAHC WEBINAR: Different ways to partner with communities in research

Hear Catherine Wilkes, Karen Johnston, Deb Smith and Rae Thomas discuss different ways they have engaged communities in their research. Karen, Deb (JCU researchers) and Catherine (a community member on the project team) partnered with remote communities in northern Queensland to conduct a place-based approach to health planning. Rae describes Citizen/Community Juries she has used in her research. Learn how these techniques or their variations can help you involve communities and consumers in research. 


3:00pm - 4:00pm

RR-CLaN Webinar: A dive into qualitative research

This session has been designed for health professionals and researchers who would like to become more familiar with qualitative research techniques, how to design rigorous qualitative studies, or who want to understand how to critically appraise qualitative research.


2:00pm - 3:00pm

Murtupuni Training: Literature Reviews: Why and How?

JCU Murtupuni research staff are facilitating Research Training Workshops for our local clinicians and novice researchers throughout our footprint in North West Queensland, Central West Queensland, and Lower Gulf and Western Cape regions who may be interested in learning about research or improving their research skills and knowledge.

These workshops are designed for people who are new to research and early career researchers.


12:30pm - 2:00pm

Ethics and Governance Workshop led by THHS

Welcome researchers, policymakers, and anyone passionate about responsible research! This on-line workshop delves into the critical world of ethics and governance in conducting research. We'll explore the guiding principles that ensure research is conducted with integrity, protects participants, and ultimately benefits society. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or just embarking on your research journey, this workshop equips you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the ever-evolving ethical landscape.


8:30am - 10:30am

IN-PERSON Training Room EG.065 Townsville University Hospital

Library skills: Effective literature searching & Endnote training session - THHS led

Feeling overwhelmed by research? This interactive, in-person workshop equips you with the skills to navigate library resources and master EndNote citation management software. This session is perfect for students and researchers of all levels and anyone who wants to improve their research efficiency.



1:00pm - 2:00pm

TAAHC WEBINAR: How to appraise a systematic review and interpret a forest plot

It is nearly impossible to keep up with relevant research in a clinical field. Systematic reviews are a synthesis of original research articles and the highest level of evidence for focused health-related, research questions. In this month’s skills session join Rae Thomas to learn a quick way to appraise systematic reviews and decipher a forest plot that is generated from a meta-analysis. Register now!


2:00pm - 3:00pm

Murtupuni Training: Ethics & Governance Procedures

Why do we need ethics to do research? Learn more about Queensland Health Research Ethics processes here.

Presented by Sara Hubbard, Research Governance Officer, Torres and Cape HHS


8:30am - 4:00pm

in-person location JCU Tutorial rooms 3 and 4, Level 1, K Block Mackay Base Hospital (or online for those NOT in Mackay)

TAAHC 1-day Planning and Undertaking Research Workshop (in-person and online)

The workshop is a free, hybrid, professional development opportunity which will cover the steps involved in planning and undertaking health research. Learn from short plenaries and apply these learnings to hypothetical scenarios in small groups.


12:30pm - 1:30pm

Research Data Management led by THHS

This webinar endeavours to empower researchers to handle research data responsibly and efficiently. You will learn how to comply with Queensland Health data management standards and policies, securely store and access your research data, enhance your data quality and ensure research integrity, and maximize the value and impact of your research findings.This program is ideal for researchers, data managers, and anyone involved in health research.


2:00pm - 3:00pm

Fruitful Friday: Introduction to CKN, Library Resources and Point of Care tools led by TCHHS

For all Torres and Cape HHS staff!!!

Join this virtual drop-in session to learn about library resources, point of care tools, and CKN.

Link to be provided soon.


9:00am - 4:30pm

Room 104, Building 42 Townsville JCU Campus

Public Health Advocacy Short Course led by JCU (in-person)

This one-day interactive course is designed to provide professionals with a broad understanding of the role, uses and benefits of using a public health advocacy approach in efforts to promote health and wellbeing of communities. Participants will be introduced to a public health advocacy model, and work through it in groups.  Theory and case studies will integrated to support the learning process. No prior knowledge of advocacy is required. There will be a ceiling of 40 participants, so register now!



1:00pm - 2:00pm


TAAHC Webinar: Digital health innovation and application to rural and remote health services in northern Queensland

In this month’s webinar, we will explore how digital health innovations are transforming healthcare in Northern Queensland’s rural and remote areas. The Northern Australian Regional Digital Health Collaboration (NARDHC) team Michelle Krahe, Daniel Foulkes and Sarah Larkins join us to talk about the role digital technology can play in improving patient outcomes and enhancing productivity in healthcare.

You will discover:

  • How digital health innovations are transforming healthcare access and outcomes in Northern Queensland, particularly in overcoming the unique challenges of rural and remote areas through technology that bridges service delivery gaps.
  • The crucial role of partnerships in advancing digital health strategies and how NARDHC’s collaborative efforts exemplify how working together can lead to substantial improvements in healthcare delivery.
  • How NARDHC’s work on Health Information Exchange and other solutions demonstrates the need for seamless data integration to enhance healthcare coordination and effectiveness.


2:00pm - 3:00pm


Murtupuni Training - Quantitative Research Design (Part 1 and 2)

Join Maru Castellanos from School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, James Cook University to learn about quantitative research designs.

This workshop is in 2 parts.

Part 1 Friday 16th August,

Part 2 Friday 23rd August.


1:00pm - 2:00pm


Murtupuni Training: Presentation and poster design and style tips

This workshop is being held for Outback Allied Health Forum speakers specifically, but all clinicians and novice researchers are welcome to attend.

This workshop covers what makes a good (and bad) scientific presentation or poster, and graphic design basics.


8:30am - 4:00pm

Murtupuni Centre for Rural & Remote Health, Mt Isa Campus (and online for those NOT in Mt Isa)

TAAHC 1 day Planning and Undertaking Research Workshop

The workshop is a free, hybrid, professional development opportunity which will cover the steps involved in planning and undertaking health research. Learn from short plenaries and apply these learnings to hypothetical
scenarios in small groups.



1:00pm - 2:00pm


TAAHC Webinar: Get to the point! This and more tips for great presentation skills

Have you ever seen a great presentation and wondered how the person did it? If this is you, this is the Webinar NOT to miss. Please join Alexandra Trollope share some handy tips on how to prepare and execute your presentation to keep your audience engaged and most importantly how to get your message across by getting to the point!

If you need any more convincing, perhaps you could watch Alex’s successful TED talk here.


3:00pm - 4:00pm


RR-CLaN Webinar: How to search the physiotherapy evidence database (PEDro) to answer clinical questions

The next Rural Research Collaborative Learning Network (RR-CLaN)* Seminar will take place online on Wednesday 4th September 2024, 3:00pm-4:00pm. In the seminar, Dr Josh Zadro will present “How to search the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) to answer clinical questions”. This session aims to facilitate evidence-based practice by developing attendee’s knowledge and skills in asking clinical questions and acquiring evidence using PEDro. The session is not just for physiotherapists, and is relevant to anyone involved who is interested in, or involved in the management and referral of patients to physiotherapy services.


8:15am - 4:00pm

in-person and online

TAAHC and THHS 1 day Planning and Undertaking Research Workshop

Expressions of intertest are now open for the Townsville Hospital and Health Service (THHS) and Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre (TAAHC) one day Planning and Undertaking Research Workshop.

The workshop will be held from 8.15am to 4pm on Thursday, 12 September 2024 and is a free professional development opportunity which will cover the steps involved in planning and undertaking health research.

 Staff from the Townsville HHS, North West HHS, Cairns & Hinterland HHS, Mackay HHS, Torres & Cape HHS, JCU and NQ Primary Health Network from any employment stream or discipline who have an interest in research, can register to attend.

Staff can attend in-person at JCU in Townsville or via Microsoft Teams. Participation counts towards Professional Development time.

Register by close of business 30 August 2024



1:00pm - 2:00pm


TAAHC WEBINAR: How to store data in Excel

Almost everyone stores their data in an Excel spreadsheet initially, but mostly Excel can’t actually do the analyses they need, so eventually the data needs to be transferred to a statistical package like SPSS or R or Stata or MedCalc.  That transfer process often ends up generating serious errors and taking far more time than the actual analysis.  It doesn’t have to! But avoiding that means knowing how to store the data properly in Excel in the first place.  Join TAAHC's own Rhondda Jones to find out what it all means.


3:00pm - 4:00pm


RR-CLaN Webinar: Writing for publication - 'IMRAD style'

No, IMRAD style is not the latest dance move rather an abbreviation that stands for “Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion”. IMRAD is a commonly used structure to help get you started when writing up the findings of your research for publication. Learn how to conquer what can be an overwhelming feeling of “where do I start”. Join us for a presentation and panel discussion that will explain IMRAD, suggestions on how to get started writing for publication and gain some insights, tips and tricks from your colleagues who have published.

 During this session we will cover:

  • Writing for publication using the IMRAD structure
  • Strategies to help get you on your way to publication
  • Panel discussion: tips and tricks from local clinicians who have published (or are in the process of publishing) their research


2:00pm - 3:00pm


Murtupuni Training: Qualitative Methods

This workshop will provide an overview of Qualitative Research methods in health research.
Presented by Dr Alice Cairns, Murtupuni Centre for Rural and Remote Health JCU
This session is open to all clinicians, new researchers, or anyone interested in learning more about health research.



12:30pm - 1:30pm


Murtupuni Training: Service Evaluation: Determining Outcomes and Quality Improvement

This workshop will provide an overview of Service Evaluation and Quality Improvement in health services research. 

Presented by Dr Alice Cairns, Murtupuni Centre for Rural and Remote Health JCU
This session is open to all clinicians, new researchers, or anyone interested in learning more about health research.