Webinar Series

Welcome to the TAAHC Webinar series for 2024!

On the last Wednesday of each month, join us for an engaging hour to learn about the research being conducted in our patch and by our northern colleagues. Some of the topics lined up for this year include innovative research in digital health technologies, reproductive health and informed decision making, models of care for chronic disease management, how to involve publics and patients in research from inception, and how research is translated to clinical practice.

The TAAHC Webinar Series aims to create connections between clinician scientists (of all disciplines), academic health researchers and clinicians who are interested in research (but not sure where to start).

Each session will include a brief presentation of two research projects associated with a particular research area and a facilitated open discussion about future projects, collaborations and national developments. Each session will be shaped for relevance across the whole of TAAHC and for people with a variety of research experience.

Webinars will be on topics related to one of the four TAAHC research themes. This will enable participants to form new research collaborations that may facilitate applications for research funding, including TAAHC research funding.

Reflecting the intersecting nature of the TAAHC research themes, each webinar will focus on a particular 'craft group' based on a selected population group (e.g. older persons) or disease (e.g. vascular disease). Participants are welcome to attend all webinars or pick or choose according to your interests.

You can view recordings of our previous webinars on the TAAHC Youtube channel.

Join us for our 2024 Webinars!

28 February 2024, 1pm - 2pm AEST

Writing up research to publish

In this episode, learn how to conquer what can be a crushing and overwhelming feeling of 'where do I start" when you are writing up your research to publish!!! Please join Rae Thomas, Denise Craig, Allison Hempenstall, and Melissa Crowe to learn about what are the important components of a research article and how these flow together. Hear from the panel about the tips and tricks that helped them write up their research while being busy clinicians. 

27 March 2024, 1pm-2pm AEST

Conducting clinical trials in northern Queensland - how to hear about them, conduct them, and get support.

Join us for this month’s webinar exploring the challenges and opportunities of conducting clinical trials in regional, rural, and remote northern Queensland. Gain insights from people who set up, conduct, and support these trials daily. Unlock the potential of extending clinical trial research to underserved communities.

24 April, 2024 1pm - 2pm AEST

Health Economics: What is it and why is it important

In month’s webinar learn about the types of questions health economics can answer and key health economics concepts like efficiency, scarcity, and opportunity costs. This webinar will also introduce the main types of economic evaluations used in healthcare decision making, including cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis. More broadly, this webinar will also look at why health economics is increasingly important in today’s healthcare landscape and how it can help drive value in healthcare.

29 May, 2024 1pm - 2pm AEST

Improving Heart Health Checks: A decade of codesign and partnerships

In this month’s webinar hear how Carissa Bonner’s small qualitative project in her PhD grew into a decade long program of research to improve Heart Health Checks. Using a codesign approach with key stakeholders, she developed a series of decision making tools to support health professionals, patients with low health literacy, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. These tools were implemented through GP and Primary Health Network programs and integrated into new clinical guidelines in 2023. Working in partnerships with key stakeholders was a strong focus of this program of work. Now an Associate Professor, join Carissa to learn how she grew a small research idea into a large program of research.

Register here!

2023 Webinars

See here for details of the 2023 webinar series.

2022 Webinars

See here for details of the 2022 webinar series.