
Key stakeholders in the Hughenden community are working collaboratively and participating in the Integrated Health Care Planning for Health and Prosperity (place-based planning) projectThe project aims to improve the responsiveness of health services to the health needs of communities in the North Queensland region. Resources and workshop information for project activities in Hughenden will be posted on this webpage.

Hughenden Place-Based Plan available for feedback!

The full draft of the Hughenden Place-Based Health Plan has now been completed and is available for comment and feedback. Also available is the Health and Community Services in the Flinders Shire report. Feedback is welcome and can be sent by email to [email protected] or [email protected] or catch up with Mim!

Hughenden Place-Based Health Plan v20240202

Health and Community Services in the Flinders Shire v20240202

Prioritised place-based plan - What are the actions?

Through the co-design process seven actions have been prioritised for implementation during the project. These are detailed on the flyer:

Actions flyer

In response to the key actions the following information has been developed:

Hughenden Health and Community Services Directory (22 Nov 2023)

Community Champions Flyer

Telehealth Flyer

Project Update - April 2024

Evaluation of the co-design process has been completed!

Eighteen interviews have completed with participants in the co-design process to evaluate this process. The team is currently in the process of analysing the interview data.

Co-design Process Summaries

The co-design process is now complete. A huge thank you to everyone who has been involved in the project to date!  A summary of each part of the co-design process is presented below. 

Draft plan with resourcing and measures

Part 4 Summary

Part 3 Summary

Part 2 Summary

Part 1 Summary

The final plan that will be implemented within the project timeframe is available above. We are also working on a full report of the co-design process to document all issues and actions.

What is place-based planning?

Place-based planning takes ‘an holistic approach to health services planning’. It is informed by exploring multiple different types of data including demographic, socioeconomic, workforce, and health behaviours and status; and developing partnerships between local health service providers (public and private), community groups, local, state/regional and national governments and their relevant agencies to use this data, with the benefit of local knowledge, to develop and deliver health programs and services.” (Yeboah 2005)

It takes: “a locally grounded approach to generate locally relevant solutions.” (Panzera 2016)


Yeboah, D. A. (2005). A framework for place based health planning. Australian Health Review, 29(1), 30-36.

Panzera AJ, Murray R, Stewart R, Mills J, Beaton N, Larkins S. Regional health workforce planning through action research: lessons for commissioning health services from a case study in Far North Queensland. Aust J Prim Health. 2016;22(1):63-68. doi: 10.1071/PY15149. PMID: 27469053.

How will place-based planning happen in Hughenden?

The Hughenden Community Advisory Network (CAN) is the local reference group and members will provide advice and guide the project. 

Four co-design workshops are planned (approx. 1.5 to 2 hours duration) involving community members, service providers, managers and other key stakeholders to identify issues and explore solutions.  If you are unable to attend a workshop, a one-on-one meeting can be arranged with a project team member so you can share your views.

Everyone is welcome to participate in the workshops or through interviews. Participation is voluntary.

Following the co-design workshops an action plan will be developed and prioritised, feasible actions implemented. Evaluation will be undertaken in relation to the co-design process and also impacts and outcomes of the actions. A local Project Support Officer has been recruited to help coordinate activities, implement actions and undertake evaluation. 


Local Project Support Officer - Mim Crase

[email protected]

JCU Contact - Deb Smith

[email protected]

07 4781 6861