Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service

The Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service is committed to understanding its community’s diverse needs and providing holistic, innovative and responsive models of patient care.
The Health Service provides a range of services in Cairns and in rural and regional facilities across a geographical area of 142,900 square kilometres, ranging from Cairns to Tully in the south, Cow Bay in the north and Croydon in the west.
The Health Service supports a population of approximately 253,000, which is forecast to grow by 15 percent by 2027. The highest level of growth will occur within the 65-and-over age group.
Tourism is a key industry, and contributes to a relatively high transient population as well as demand for health services. It is estimated that almost 13 percent of the health service’s population is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, compared to four percent for Queensland as a whole.
The Health Service is highly self-sufficient with only a small amount (five percent) of high-level acute services being provided outside of the Health Service, in both Townsville and Brisbane. Our Health Service also provides some services to the Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service.
(Source: Cairns and Hinterland Annual Report 2016 – 2017)
For more information visit the Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service website.