Tropical Australian
Academic Health Centre
TAAHC is a research collaboration based in northern Queensland.
TAAHC is a collaboration between the five hospital and health services in northern Queensland – Cairns and Hinterland, Mackay, North West, Torres & Cape and Townsville - the Northern Queensland Primary Health Network, the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council and James Cook University, including the Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine. TAAHC was established to improve the health of the northern Queensland population and grow prosperity in the tropical region through a partnership that enhances collective capability in health service delivery, health and medical research, and workforce development. Through an emphasis on translational research, TAAHC aims to embed research into health service delivery to improve quality and efficiency of care, enhance recruitment and retention of professionals in the region and encourage greater investment in the north.
Service delivery to regional, rural, remote & Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Populations
Non-communicable diseases with high regional prevalence
Infectious diseases
Innovative health workforce models
Please click on the map below to learn more about our TAAHC Members.
Torres &
North West
TAAHC Service Regions
TAAHC partners provide health services and tertiary education for over 700,000 people in northern Queensland, from Mackay to the Torres Strait Islands.
Northern Queensland’s highly distributed health care system and largest tertiary education provider are united through membership of TAAHC.
TAAHC is a National Health and Medical Research Council accredited Research Translation Centre and a member of the Australian Health Research Alliance.